In her projects, Saskia Groneberg meditates on the design of human environments. Particularly, she is interested in artificially molded nature, finding its expression in parks, landscapes, or ornamental plants. She questions and interprets this synthesized nature as projections of profound human longings and needs that arise from certain cultural, political, and social circumstances. While primarily focusing on photography and book design, she also incorporates other mediums such as video and installation into her artistic work.
Among several awards, Saskia Groneberg was one of the shortlisted artists for Prix Pictet Space, with artists Thomas Ruff, Richard Mosse, Beate Gütschow, and Rinko Kawauchi. Her work has been exhibited in institutions such as the Victoria and Albert Museum London, the Deichtorhallen Hamburg, the LUMA Westbau Zurich, the Museo de Arte Moderno Mexico City, the Museum für konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt, Fotomuseum Winterthur, and others. Saskia Groneberg lives and works in Berlin.

→  Artist Statement  (English & German)
→  Text about the artist by Anja Lückenkemper (English & German)
→  Portfolio PDF (German)

Selected Prices, Awards, Residencies
2023 | Kunstfonds – Neustart Kultur Plus Stipend
2022 | Kunstfonds – Neustart Kultur 
2021 | Stipend of the EHF Trustee-Programme, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
2020 | Kunstfonds – Neustart Kultur 
2020 | Förderpreis für Fotografie der Landeshauptstadt München 
2019 | Goethe-Institute Villa Kamogawa Kyoto, Artist in Residence
2018 | Goethe-Institute Bangalore, Travel Grant 
2017 | Prix Pictet, Finalist
2016 | MOD Institute & Goethe-Institut Bangalore, Artist in Residence
2015 | Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles, Finalist
2013 | Fotomuseum Winterthur Plat(t)form 13, Special Mention
2012 | gute aussichten_new german photography Prize

Solo / Duo Exhibitions
2021-22 | Vesuv, Venus, Stiftung Federkiel, Munich, DE 
2021 | Wasserfall, Stiftung Kunst und Natur Nantesbuch, DE
2020 | Der Weg, Kunst-Insel am Lenbachplatz, Munich, DE (art in public)
2019 | Saskia Groneberg & Paul Hutchinson, Galerie Russi Klenner, Berlin, DE 
2018 | Vesuv, Venus, Zum Eichenkranz / Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz, DE 
2016 | Vesuv, Venus, super+Centercourt, München, DE 
2016 | Crossing the Jungle: Saskia Groneberg & Bettina Lockemann, Goethe-Institute Bangalore, IN 

Group Exhibitions

2024 | Frozen Mirrors, KAI 10 / Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf, DE
2024 | End of Land, B-Part am Gleisdreieck / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin, DE
2023 | Index Naturae (Book Exhibition), Fotografia Europea, Reggio Emilia, IT
2023 | Index Naturae (Book Exhibition), OMNEFEST, Castelfranco Veneto, IT
2022 | Tribunal der Arbeit: Labour / Arbeit / Iş, Arbeitsgericht Stuttgart, DE
2022 | Verbindungsstücke – Goethe Institut | Villa Kamogawa in Berlin, CLB, Berlin, DE
2022 | but nature is a stranger yet; PLATFORM, Munich, DE
2021 | Verbindungsstücke – Tsunagu Mono Gatari, Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto, JP 
2021 | Garten als Weltbild, D21 Kunstraum, Leipzig, DE 
2021 | Prix Pictet Confinement, Online Exhibition
2020 | loops and echoes, P145 / European Month of Photography, Berlin, DE 
2020 | Förderpreise der Landeshauptstadt München, Lothringer 13 Halle, Munich, DE
2018–19 | SITUATIONS/to look is to labor, Fotomuseum Winterthur, CH
2018–19 | Phänomen Zimmerpflanze, Botanisches Museum, Berlin, DE
2018 | Prix Pictet Space: Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, MX | Camera, Italian Centre for Photography, Turin, IT | Gallery of Photography, Dublin, IR | Flowers Gallery, New York, US | ARTLab, Lausanne, CH | Fondation CAB, Brussels, BE / Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, DE | Mouravieff-Apostol House & Museum, Moscow, RU
2018 | Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 37, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, DE
2018 | Out of Office. Büro-Kunst oder das Büro im Museum, Städtische Galerie Bietigheim-Bissingen, DE
2017 | Out of Office. Büro-Kunst oder das Büro im Museum, Museum für Konkrete Kunst Ingolstadt, DE
2017 | Prix Pictet Space: Victoria and Albert Museum London, GB | Tokyo Hillside Forum, Tokyo, JP | Luma Westbau, Zurich, CH
2017 | Tacker, Galerie der Künstler München, DE
2016 | PHOTOTROPISM, The Library Project, Dublin, IE
2015 | Ausstellung der MeisterschülerInnen Leipzig 2015 / Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig, DE
2015 | Luma Rencontres Dummy Book Award Arles 2015 / Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, FR
2014 | Hybride, Journées Photographiques de Bienne / Fototage Biel, Switzerland, CH
2014 | Das Büro. Interferenzen zwischen Kunst- und Wissensraum, Universität zu Köln, DE
2013 | Büroarbeit, YEARS, Copenhagen, DK
2013 | gute aussichten_junge deutsche fotografie 2012/2013, Haus der Photographie, Deichtorhallen Hamburg, DE | vhs photogalerie Stuttgart, DE | Goethe Institut Washington DC, US / Goethe Institut Chicago, US
2013 | No Place to Hide – Ort Kontrolle Produktion, Agentur für Arbeit Stuttgart, DE
2012 | gute aussichten_junge deutsche fotografie 2012/2013, Museum MARTa Herford, DE
2012 | Photomeetings Luxembourg, Kontschhaus beim Engel, Luxembourg, LU

Artist Talks & Lectures

2025 | “Pflanzen, Tiere, Illusionen” talk with Saskia Groneberg and Thomas Seelig, KAI10 | Arthena Foundation, Düsseldorf
2025 | Fototreff #43 “Bilder der Natur” with Yana Wernicke & Saskia Groneberg, Berlin, DE
2023 | Der Greif Intervention @Superbooks 4, Haus der Kunst, München
2022 | “Labour / Arbeit / Iş”, talk at the State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, DE
2019 | “Nature and City in Photographs”, talk with Sohei Nishino, Tokyo Art Book Fair, JP
2019 | Creators@Kamogawa, “Kosmos Park”, talk with Tomoki Yamauchi, moderated by Tetsuya Ozaki, Goethe Institute Kyoto, JP
2019 | Art Talks: Saskia Groneberg, Zurich University of the Arts, CH
2018 | Garden City,  talk and presentation, 1 Shanthi Road Gallery, in cooperation with Goethe Institute Bangalore, IN

Teaching & Workhops

2024/2025 | “The Photobook – at the intersection of Art and Design”, Teaching Assignment, State Academy of Art and Design, Stuttgart, DE
2024 | Introductory Photography Workshop, State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, DE
2023 | Workshop “Photography and Death”, Vergänglichkeitsstudio, Lisbeth, Berlin
2017 | Workshop “Sonntags?Kunst”, Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt, DE
2015 | “Studio Talks” Class of Thorsten Hattenkerl, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, DE
Publications / Monographs

Vesuv, Venus, Edition Taube, 2021 | ISBN 978-3-945900-85-6
Venus, Vesuv, Edition Taube, 2021 | ISBN 978-3-945900-85-7
Büropflanze (office plant), Edition Taube, 2017 | ISBN 978-3-945900-08-6

Selected Publications / Catalogues

INDEX NATURAE, Skinnerbo0x, 2023 | ISBN: 978-88-94895-68-1
Collage, Women of the Prix Pictet, gestalten, 2023 | ISBN: 978-3-96704-085-2
Prix Pictet Confinement, teNeues, 2021 | ISBN 978-3-9617-1324-0
Out of Office. Büro-Kunst oder das Büro im Museum, Surface, 2017 | ISBN: 978-3-939855-44-6
Prix Pictet Space, teNeues, 2017 | ISBN 978-3-8327-6907-9
gute aussichten_junge deutsche fotografie, Richter&Fey, 2012 |  ISBN 978-3-9412-6351-2

Magazine Features

ART – das Kunstmagazin, "Unendlich Schön", August 2022, DE
ART – das Kunstmagazin, "Starter: Saskia Groneberg", March 2021, DE
DAS MAGAZIN, N°04, January 30, 2021, CH
Financial Times Weekend Magazine "The office: a photography special", January 2, 2021, UK
MacGuffin Issue N°8 The Desk, Spring 2020, NL
... and: Monopol, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Max-Joseph Magazin (Bayerische Staatsoper), jetzt magazin (Süddeutsche Zeitung),, Still Magazin, Spiegel online, and others


Fotomuseum Winterthur, Sammlung Wemhöner, Private Collections

2013–2015 | State Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, Postgraduate Studies in Fine Art Photography (Meisterschülerin)
2006–2012 | State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, Communication Design Studies
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